Hiya folks!
I'm back from my hols and we had a wonderful time - thank you all for your lovely wishes ;o)
I'm tearing my hair out just now as I'm having major problems with my PC. I'm typing this from work just now. Up until this morning I've been able to access my blog but cannot sign in to the page where dashboard, etc is displayed and blogs which I'm following. So I can't amend my blog or add any post or view any of the blogs I follow, plus I can't comment on anyone's work because I also can't sign in via Google Accounts. Whenever I try to access the blogger.com site or google's sign in page I just get the standard 'internet cannot find this page' format. Arghhhhhhhh! I don't know what to do!!! Then to cap it all, as from this morning I now can't access my emails or even connect to the internet at all!!!
So I just want to let you know that I have got cards to show you but I can't load them and I am looking at all your lovely work but can't leave comments (don't want to get the sack by keep doing it at work, lol)!! I'm off to visit the computer teccies upstairs in a min to see if they have any ideas!
I'll let you know when I get things sorted - I'm sooooooooo fed up with it all ;o(
Toodles for now, Tara xxxxx
Tulips - Flower of the Month
Tulips in Bloom ( clear stamps) & Tulips in Bloom cut out ( metal dies)
Background Basics (stencil set)
Sentiment is from the Enchantingly clear ...
1 day ago
Glad to hear you had a great time on your hols!
Sorry to hear you're having such a nightmare with your pooter - what web browser do you use? I'm only asking, as I was having similar problems a couple of months ago when IE8 first came out...I couldn't open any blogs (including my own)...so I removed it and went back to IE7 (which works fine...but the bloody thing keeps downloading IE8 in the night!)...so I tried Firefox and Google Chrome...both of which are much better and faster than IE...so I use Firefox for everything now (except Docrafts...where it won't let me stay signed in! lol). Hope the techies have some answers for you...I'm missing your inspiring cards! :0)
Helen x
Hi hun, sounds like your having a complete nightmare, why do these things away come to bite us in the bum after a nice hols ??? anyway glad your home safe and sounds and had a fab time. cant wait to see your gorgeous cards when your pc probs are sorted. talk soon xxxx
Hi Tara
Nice to see you back and had a nice holiday! sorry to hear about your PC. Sorry dont have any answers for you, hope you get it sorted!
Hugs Di xx
Hi Tara, glad you had a great holiday.. arn't p.c's the pits when they go wrong!!!
hope you get it sorted soon sweetie. hugs rachxx
So glad you're back Tara and had a great time away! Sorry to hear of your PC troubles (I've had my fair share this past week too) but I hope you're back up running soon! I'm missing your gorgeous creations!!
Hugs, Danielle
Hope you get your problem sorted out asap! Glad you had a great holls. Caroline x
Hi Tara
I downloaded Firefox as my own blog was so slow & kept logging me out. I use it for all blogger activity now as it's much quicker.
It's a free download.
Sharon x
Hi Tara
Glad you had a good holiday - I can sympathise with you on the internet problems, I've been losing connections for about 3 days now - trying to upload stock has been like wading through treacle LOL !!
Hope you get it sorted soon
hi hun glad you had a good holiday and hope you get things sorted soon so we can come and check out your fab cards love cheryl xxx
Hi Tara, Sorry to hear you are having probs with your PC. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Lisa x
Oh no! Hope you get it sorted soon, looking forward to seeing your cards!
Glad you had a good holiday!
Hi Tara, so glad you had a great holiday but sorry that you've come back to PC problems! Hope the tech guys were able to help you sort it out, what a nightmare! Hugs, Chris xx
Im so pleased you had a great holiday...its horrible when things go wrong with your comp isnt it but hopefully you will be up and running really soom
Mina xxx
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